First Rune Reading for 2025 from Alaskan Ulfhednar Tribe
This is the first rune reading of the year from our friend Shaman in The Runes at Alaskan Ulfhednar Tribe. He does great rune readings almost daily. Check out their site, blog and Youtube at the links below!
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Dagens indsigt
Today’s Insight Past Influential Energies Perthro– Evolutionary change, joy, fellowship, knowledge, good omens. Present Influential Energies Dagaz – Paradigm shift, ideal, hope-happiness, awareness, awakening. Future Influential Energies Ehwaz (Inverted) – Enemy, indecision, nightmares, betrayal, mistrust. Energies to Remain the same Isa – Unity of being, self-control, ego-consciousness, concentrated self.
The gift of Thor is upon us as we reflect upon the influences that have led us to this point in our existence. Many of the influences defined by the rune Perthro in an upright configuration indicate what we have suspected, that of evolutionary changes and good omens. However, we may have overlooked the fellowship offered (maybe only a glimpse) by strangers that have provided joy and knowledge along our path. Knowing that we are likely to receive intellect energy from all places within our life, this might give us pause to reflect more closely each and every experience we have.
Within the present we find ourselves being comforted by the rune Dagaz. Dagaz is one of the many runes that cannot be inverted, and in this current casting, it provides more of a light energy surrounding it, than anything negative. In its upright state, it shows us that the realization that we can choose to recognize this moment as either a positive or a negative, we are choosing to make it positive. It represents the paradigm shift within our perspectives that allows us to see the positive side of each experience.
The uncertainty of the future influences gives us reason to evaluate closely our preparedness for the possiblity of events that may draw in unwanted energies from the surrounding people and places. With Ehwaz in an inverted state, this identifies more negative energies that may attempt to sway our perspective from where it is today, seeing some as enemies, or struggling with indecision or betrayal. Reminding us that every experience has a reason for being drawn into our lives, whether that be for our own growth or benefit, or for someone close to us.
With the perceived negativity that may be in our future, retaining the unity of being, and self control, will allow us to continue on our growth path without falling back. Isa, the run of Ice typically indicates that when we focus on the ego-consciousness balance with the concentrated self, we are capable of repelling that negativity that may attempt to influence our spiritual journey. Staying true to our “authentic self” and maintaining a healthy “congruency line” within our heart and mind will allow us to remain successful regardless of what comes into our “sphere of effect”.