Dating these Norse Symbols

The biggest question about many of the symbols that you find on Norse Combat Sportswear apparel, is what time period do they come from? And are the symbols Christian or pre-Christian Scandinavian in nature?

This is a great question and there is no universal answer. These symbols used for magical purpose can be found from as early as the Nordic Bronze age 1700-500BC and as late as the 1800sAD. The images we find from the most ancient times, such as cave paintings or rock art from Sweden, are of course from a time where monotheistic religions did not even exist in the world yet. Some of the later symbols such as "Aegishjalmur" or "Vegvisir" are from Icelandic folk magic books written by Christian priests or historians living in the 1800s. 

Many people like to put religious labels on these symbols incorrectly. Scandinavia became Christian around the year 1000AD and people assume that anything we find before that date is pagan and anything we find after that date is Christian. The real answer however, is much more complicated than that. For example, a symbol such as "Vegvisir" is clearly a symbol influenced by the mainland Europe Christian magical sigils. "Aegishjalmur" would appear to be the same until we look a bit deeper and see that this word has been used since before the Viking age in heroic tales of dragon-slaying. It also seems to be an evolution of rune carving when one looks at pendants and amulets found from pre-Christian times.

The strict line that people like to invent to divide symbols like this is mistaken. As we all know, many pagan native European traditions and customs continued long after the official Christianization(Christmas, Halloween, etc.), and many Christian practices and views were present even in pagan cultures in Scandinavia. The most important thing to keep in mind is that magical symbols have been used for tens of thousands of years all over the world in all types of religions. These symbols change and evolve with time, but the belief that some spiritual energy can be stored and harnessed in these symbols is universal to humans. They do not belong to any specific religion. Humans have always invoked the god(s), spirits, nature, and symbols that they feel is meaningful to them and can bring benefit to their lives.